The Team

Azelene Williams
Bachelor of Social Work, DipHCounselling, DipCBT, DipCommServices, CertDomFamViolence, CertSexIntelligence
In addition to being a wife and mother, Azelene is a highly passionate, people-centred professional, who has acquired over ten years’ experience delivering community programs and services. Inspired by her own personal traumatic experiences, she is determined to pursue social justice whilst supporting individuals to build their confidence, capabilities, and skillset in achieving desired outcomes from their own fear to freedom. Azelene is an internationally published author, a registered Holistic Counsellor, and has completed a Bachelor of Social Work. She uses her lived experience and theory related to family and domestic violence to educate others. She always presents her talks and workshops to the audience with a passion you can feel in the room. She is in private practice and does face-to-face and online counselling sessions. She shook the hands of many politicians including Australia’s current Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. She has also been in the media locally and internationally as a domestic violence advocate and survivor of intimate partner violence as a teenager. Her international book publications include: BROKEN Breaking the Silence and INFERTILITY Road to Hell and Back.

Alexis Taylor
Alexis has a Masters in Counseling
~BS in Psychology
~Certified Christian Counselor ~International Life coach
~Adult Community Supervision Officer for 26 years. and a women of faith with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). I desire to help women, especially women of faith, to know who they are and how to deal with their emotional triggers from past and/or recent traumas and abuse to live their life anew in their God given purpose. It is my goal in The Movement to speak to women to let them know that despite their past they are amazing and God absolutely has a plan for thier lives. When we release the words from our mouths that have been stuck and trapped on our belly behind the padlock of fear is when change happens and control is given back to you. It's like the caterpillar transforming to a beautiful butterfly...out of something that started out not so pretty comes what the creator always knew was within...a beautiful butterfly ready share it's beauty with the world. I am and you are wonderfully made! Speak your truth and be free!

Wadzanayi Mutema
Wadzy is a Business Consultant, passionate about helping Women with start-ups or turning their home hobbies into profitable businesses. With an interest in Women telling their stories through their passions, Wadzy has managed to get several women to gain independence from difficult circumstances through business. Though not a domestic abuse survivor herself she advocates on the matter to give others hope. Her mantra is to be optimistic and daring to take back your power so that you heal and can live your life to the fullest.

Theresa Schmidtman
Theresa is an Independent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay. Through this journey that is Mary Kay, God brought her from a place of anger and resentment from her first marriage. One that was both physically and emotionally abusive to a place of heart forgiveness and healing.To walking in an intimate relationship with Him. To becoming a domestic violence advocate sharing her own story passionately, boldly to give hope to others. There is hope for a bolder, braver more courageous you with a voice so loud, no one can ever take it from you again!

Tekeisha Wade
Dr. TeKeisha Wade (Founder: Open Arms Connection LLC, Empower HIM Coaching, & Soul Care Xperience Academy), a Global Speaker, Certified Life Coach & Christian Counselor, #1 Best-Selling Author, & Founder/Editor-In-Chief of H.E. Magazine and S.H.E. Magazine. Her work is dedicated to empowering men and women to achieve their full potential and inspiring them to become advocates, change-makers, and leaders in their communities. In her practice, she is led by a vision of creating a high-quality coaching/counseling session that is relevant, thought-provoking, and rooted in inclusivity and diversity.
Sara Smith
Passionate about us all being able to live our lives to the fullest and being grateful for everyday, I strive to be a leader and the support to those searching for betterment. Whether your path is to overcome childhood trauma or heal from abuse, we need to hold each other up and build community. In my years as a technology leader, I have built teams of talented, strong and career minded IT graduates and enthusiasts. This has allowed me to be a part of their growth and in return they provided me with a broadening of my skill sets. We do not spend enough time celebrating all we have accomplished to get us to this place in life. Wake up, sip your coffee and throw some confetti - WE HAVE MADE IT! While we have so much more ahead of us because I truly believe the best it yet to come, we are amazing, the world is vast and WE are here to provide something special. Having experienced domestic violence, I leaned in to the trauma and transformed. I took my life back in 2012 with the help of amazing women in my community and never looked back. Now I have my sights on combatting sexual harassment, women’s inequality and the laws surrounding women’s issues.